Friday Oct 08, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 140 - ASOS Catelyn V featuring Lady Gwyn
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Where there's a will, there's a way—whether that's a way to get back to the North or secure the Northern succession, that is. Although, it seems the way to the Twins is quite rainy, delayed, and full of time for plotting. Lady Gwyn of Radio Westeros joins us to help break down the implications of Robb's will, Jon's parentage, and the rise and fall of Catelyn's hopes.
Links mentioned: The Grand Northern Conspiracy (by u/Yeade)
Where to find Lady Gwyn:
- Lady Gwyn's twitter: https://twitter.com/ladygwynhyfvar
- Radio Westeros' twitter: https://twitter.com/radiowesteros
- Lady Gwyn's blog: https://ladygwynhyfvar.wordpress.com/
- Radio Westeros' Webpage: https://radiowesteros.com/
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl]
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Chloe's blog: www.liesandarborgold.com
Intro by Anton Langhage
Friday Oct 01, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 139 - ASOS Catelyn IV
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
As the Starks and Tullys say farewell to one more family member, King Robb wonders, “I have won every battle, yet somehow I’m losing the war.” Two representatives promise amends but really, they're promising just -ends-
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl]
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Chloe's blog: www.liesandarborgold.com
Intro by Anton Langhage
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
His Dark Materials Episode 19 - The Amber Spyglass Chapters 11-13
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Due to some personal life updates, we're experiencing a few production delays—but that just means all of you get bonus episodes! Our regularly scheduled episode for The Amber Spyglass will be delayed a few days, for release between September 26-28, but until then, please enjoy this special episode brought to you by The Dust Podcast (check out their links below!) and our patrons.
When season/series 2 of the His Dark Materials show ended, we joined our good friends Matt (Double M) and Holly of The Dust Podcast to dissect some of our favorite musical moments in the show and what makes the music of His Dark Materials so good. This episode, though, is just a snippet, a taste of the sort of musical analysis and story analysis that you can get regularly from The Dust, so be sure to check them out and subscribe to them.
- The Dust Podcast Twitter - https://twitter.com/thedustpodcast
- Holly's Twitter - https://twitter.com/Huntpants
- Matt's Twitter - https://twitter.com/musicalconcepts
- Matt's Audio Blog - https://mattsaudioblog.com/
- The Dust Podcast on Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dust-a-his-dark-materials-podcast/id1466312718
Other Links Mentioned
- Æsahættr (metal band) - https://aesahaettr.bandcamp.com/
- Philip Pullman's favorite songs - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09bbdlr
- Cittàgazze by Portico Quartet - https://youtu.be/cN4kn7SdQq8
- Jacob Collier songs - https://youtu.be/RIZzsx52sPI
- Green Valley by Puscifer - https://youtu.be/Y4Y9TO3X5WM
Friday Sep 17, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 138 - ASOS Catelyn III
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Robb Stark learns that it's hard to get ahead in the game of thrones. Catelyn watches her son wrestle with the questions of kingdom, honor, treason, and family when Rickard Karstark joins the ranks of people who are into killing kids.
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl]
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Chloe's blog: www.liesandarborgold.com
Intro by Anton Langhage
Friday Sep 10, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 137 - ASOS Catelyn II
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Robb returns to Riverrun and breaks the news: He broke his oaths to the Freys. Catelyn finds forgiveness upon her king's return though he only brings chastisement for Edmure.
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl]
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Chloe's blog: www.liesandarborgold.com
Intro by Anton Langhage
Friday Sep 03, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 136 - ASOS Catelyn I
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
It's all downhill from here: We start on Catelyn's ASOS chapters, and they're real sad. Like very, very sad. It only gets sadder. This episode we get sad about Cat and Lysa's girlhoods and agency over women and girl's bodies.
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl]
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Chloe's blog: www.liesandarborgold.com
Intro by Anton Langhage
Friday Aug 27, 2021
His Dark Materials - The Amber Spyglass Chapters 8-10
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 135 - ACOK Catelyn VII featuring Manaro (of ManaroGeek TV)
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Catelyn receives news about the (alleged) death of her sons. Manaro of ManaroGeek TV joins us for a tour of the sex dungeon to examine Catelyn's grief and how it changes her. While down there, Catelyn mourns by seeking answers and shooting the shit with Jaime Lannister—with a dash of hate-flirting, maybe.
There are shit jokes. Be warned. This is a shitty filled chapter.
Where to find Manaro:
- ManaroGeek TV - YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ManaroGeekTV/videos
- Twitter - @ManaroUnlimited: https://twitter.com/ManaroUnlimited
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Chloe's blog: www.liesandarborgold.com
Intro by Alexander Nakarada
Background music:
Skye Cuillin by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4371-skye-cuillin
Friday Aug 13, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 134 - ACOK Catelyn VI
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
ManaroGeek TV - Manaro's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ManaroGeekTV/videos
Friday Aug 06, 2021
His Dark Materials Episode 17 - The Amber Spyglass Chapters 4-7
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
ASOIAF Patreon Teaser E4: The Maidenvault
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Our last Friday of the month is generally reserved for His Dark Materials, however due to a medical issue we will be releasing the next episode of The Amber Spyglass next week 8/6/21. Apologies for the delay, and be sure to tune back in next week!
Thanks to Girls Gone Canon Patrons, the Girls have been able to unlock and remaster a special Patron-Only episode for the public from 2020.
This week, Eliana and Chloe dive into some history of ice and fire: we open and release the ladies of the Maidenvault, Daena, Elaena and Rhaena Targaryen.
AND YES: If you're looking to attend Ice and Fire Con, it WILL be happening in the spring of 2022. Somehow, this old episode has come back into date. We love that for us! iceandfirecon.com
If you'd like to receive special A Song of Ice and Fire and His Dark Materials episodes, head over to patreon.com/girlsgonecanon, where patrons in the Stranger tier and above ($5+) have access to 24 special episodes like this. Patrons in the Thunder tier and above ($10+) will soon have access to a special GIRLS GONE CANON discord server - stay tuned.
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Check out our Patreon out at Patreon.com/GirlsGoneCanon and pledge today!
Friday Jul 23, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 133 - ACOK Catelyn V
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Catelyn and Brienne make vows. Catelyn receives the bones of the guy she used to bone and makes a few other, darker promises in her heart.
Background sounds:
Tempting Secrets by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5005-tempting-secrets
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
- Record scratch: https://www.sfxbuzz.com/summary/9-cartoon-sound-effects/134-record-scratch-sound-effect
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl]
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Chloe's blog: www.liesandarborgold.com
Intro by Anton Langhage
Friday Jul 16, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 132 - ACOK Catelyn IV
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
In which a, uh, crowning occurs... but not the kind you think. We're talking about babies. Shadow babies.
Links mentioned:
- RSVP to the Skybound audio panel: https://t.co/rtcIwcflg0?amp=1
- Lauren Shippen's site: https://www.laurenshippen.com/
- Gabriel Urbina's site: https://www.gabrielurbina.com/
- John Rocha's channel: https://www.youtube.com/johnrochasays
- Wine on an Empty Stomach covers "The City We Became" by NK Jemisin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq9CQ7sj2ko
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl]
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Chloe's blog: www.liesandarborgold.com
Intro by Anton Langhage
Friday Jul 09, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 131 - ACOK Catelyn III
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Catelyn goes to Storm's End and reenacts the "This is fine" dog meme while Stannis and Renly gust and blow a lot of hot wind at each other. Both of these brothers are ridiculous.
Links Mentioned:
- (Spoilers All) Millions of peaches, peaches for me. by /u/Fat_Walda
- (Spoilers ADWD) Let us consider Renly's Peach, and the greater significance of peaches in ASOIAF by [deleted]
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl]
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Chloe's blog: www.liesandarborgold.com
Intro by Anton Langhage
Friday Jul 02, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 130 - ACOK Catelyn II
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Brienne and Arya: gender outlaws by Lo the Lynx: https://lothelynx.wordpress.com/2020/08/27/brienne-and-arya-gender-outlaws/
Race for the Iron Throne: CBC Analysis for ACOK Catelyn II: https://racefortheironthrone.wordpress.com/2014/12/27/chapter-by-chapter-analysis-catelyn-ii-acok/
Friday Jun 25, 2021
His Dark Materials Episode 16 - The Amber Spyglass Chapters 1-3
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
The players move into place as the last act begins. Lyra is napping but more than usual. Will's finding new companions and new skills. Iorek has a friend for dinner. And Roger makes a reprise.
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Chloe's blog: www.liesandarborgold.com
Intro: Waltz Of The Skeleton Keys by WombatNoisesAudio | https://soundcloud.com/user-734462061
Friday Jun 18, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 128 - ACOK Catelyn I
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 128 - AGOT Catelyn XI
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
The King in the North! The King in the North!! THE KING IN THE NORTH!!!!!!
Links mentioned:
- Laws of Ice and Fire — "Why Shouldn't We Rule Ourselves Again?" https://lawsoficeandfire.wordpress.com/2020/01/29/why-shouldnt-we-rule-ourselves-again-westeros-and-the-social-contract/
Sound Credits:
- AUDIO USED Fielastro - Sword Draw - https://freesound.org/s/423935/
- DJ Burnham - Sword Draw - https://freesound.org/s/67424/
- ross_sinc - hall full of people - https://freesound.org/s/444792/
- Mediapaja2009 - DRAWING SWORDDS - https://freesound.org/s/162560/
- kevp888 - MEN YELLING @ ROOSTER FIGHTS (look I'm not making this up) - https://freesound.org/s/441552/
- Anguish by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3373-anguish
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Eliana's twitter: https://twitter.com/arhythmetric
Eliana's reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/glass_table_girl]
Eliana's blog: https://themanyfacedblog.wordpress.com/
Chloe's twitter: https://twitter.com/liesandarbor
Chloe's blog: www.liesandarborgold.com
Intro by Anton Langhage
Friday Jun 04, 2021
ASOIAF Episode 127 — AGOT Catelyn X
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
The Whispering Wood by Scad and Anne — https://youtu.be/xZnNmAa_YPM?t=675
@ScottishPodcast — Yap_Audio_Production — https://freesound.org/people/Yap_Audio_Production/sounds/218522/